LaserPro Plus
This is the most exciting device in the market place today for treating various forms of hair loss.
History of Laser treatment
The use of laser technology to treat hair loss was first discovered in the early 1960’s. A study was conducted on mice to see if laser energy would stimulate hair growth. The results showed a positive outcome. Other studies on laser bio-stimulation for wound healing were also conducted which resulted in the appearance of improved hair growth in the wound area.
Since this discovery, the move has been to find a device that would deliver the level of energy needed with an ease of use application.
The first machines developed were the in-clinic lasers from the 1980’s to 2000. Most had 20 to 80 diodes in them and require you to attend the clinic twice a week. The machines were very expensive for the clinic owner ($20,000 to $60,000) hence, expensive for the consumer ($3,000 to $5,000 per year) to utilise the machine in a clinic location.
The next development was a hand held device (laser comb) that could be used at home. They were launched in early 2000. The initial cost was $1,500 and then as more came to market the price dropped to around $400. Typically these devices contained 7 to 9 diodes.
Ashley and Martin’s LLLT device is the LaserPro Plus. It offers the luxury of being able to be used at home. The LaserPro Plus has 3 times more diodes than a clinic laser and about 28 times more than a laser comb. The LaserPro Plus slides into any hat and should be worn at home for 30mins every second day. This is not a miracle device but for the correct person it is a highly desirable option.
Low Level Light Therapy (LLLT) is a safe, non-invasive treatment for hair loss conditions.
How does Laser treatment for Hair Loss work?
The LaserPro Plus works by bathing the whole hair loss area with a 650 nM light source at a 5 mW energy level which is shown to stimulate cell metabolism (photo-bio-stimulation). This allows more essential nutrients and oxygen to enter the cells whilst allowing the more harmful waste to be removed from the cells. The process of the photo-bio-stimulation is designed to bathe the hair follicle cells with a proven energy level resulting in better hair growth.
If we can get every one of your hair strands to increase the shaft size by 30% then you have 30% more coverage of hair. This system will not replace destroyed hair follicles; it will get your existing ones to be more productive.